
B:Clarity film production has a track record from +10 years of film making. We are multi format artists. Web films, social media content, commercials, mood films and documentaries all fit our profile. Our films penetrate the tough skin of the audience by engaging what´s underneath: emotions, and companies praise the open climate we create on set. By the way, we consider films with a tight budget art too.

Previous productions

Company film

Leva på lånad tid
Company film

Juice from scratch

The pioneers
Company film

Social media film

The facilitators
Company mood film

Animated film

The potency drug of tomorrow
Company film

Inför emissionen
Interview film

Hos psykologen


Kära pappa
TV Documentary

Fåret lever
Company documentary

We shoot everywhere

On the streets of Belfast, in the OR or at an obscure Uppsala office. Or inhouse in our location at The Park which houses three fully equipped studios with skilled technicians and high accessability for fast productions.


Christopher Toll
Producer, script writer and director. Read more

Johan Blomborg
Filmer and editor. Read more

Gerhard Malmberg
Motion grafics, visual effects and drone pilot. Read more

Let´s talk ideas

Contact us at christopher@b-clarity.com or 0706-00 37 01.


Se our showreel here