
Svenskarna invaderar aktiemarknaden


I Euroclears årliga aktieägarrapport läser vi att antalet aktieägare i Sverige har ökat med 400 000 år 2020. Men vad är det som drar? Beautiful Claritys chefsanalytiker Nick Harmsen reder ut begreppen och förklarar också vad som egentligen ligger bakom privata investerares agerande.

Realheart.se 2.0 och Animated Andy kommer till liv


I dagarna lanserade vi en uppdaterad version av Realhearts hemsida där bland annat vår 3D-artist Gerhards skapelse Animated Andy kommer till liv och förevisar innovationens olika features.

Why FAME matters on the stock market


The function of brand awareness is central in marketing science, but it is just as important when communicating with investors on the stock market. To be considered, you need to be known. This is true in product markets as well as financial markets.

Årsredovisningen: en gravt underskattad kommunikationsform


Årsredovisningen betraktas ofta som en torr nödvändighet och sällan som varumärkeslyftande kommunikation. Vi delar inte den uppfattningen.

Dicot is breaking through the noise


After launching the new Dicot home page together with our partner BeQuoted and exposing the brand towards the stock market through a series of activities, we performed an awareness survey. The results exceeded our biggest expectations: Dicot has increased it´s awareness with 234% since the last survey we did two months earlier. This is the finest acknowledgement that our work has true effect that we can get. Are you interested in getting to know to what extent your brand is breaking through the noice? Contact us and we´ll set you up.

Making the stock market take sex seriously


B-Clarity has just signed a deal with potency drug developer Dicot to help them with their brand strategies towards the stock market. Now, the big question is how to create messaging that takes sexual disorders seriously and at the same time make communication that can turn into a buzz.

Renovation conflicts – enough is enough


Our client Ireno and it´s set of digital products help craftsmen and homeowners to get along when it´s time to re-do the kitchen, finally build that patio, or rewire all the electricity in a 19th century house. Besides building a strategy, a graphical profile and the company home page, B-Clarity wanted to illustrate t

In loving support of Giving People


Thousands of families in Sweden suffer from poverty, despite what we might think about such a rich country. The pandemic has turned the conditions for these unfortunate families into a state of catastrophe. Nobody can do everything, but we can all do something. Therefore B-Clarity decided to support the organisation Giving People who makes sure that the worst off families get food on the table. We do it primarily for the biggest victims of all; the children.

Results from our second Corona study in the economy site Realtid


Today you can find our research published on the front page of Realtid.se, research that is also commented on by key players in the financial market, giving an in dept analysis of our findings. The study maps the consequences of the corona pandemic and the questions mainly regard opinions on government support, company resilience and the stock market.   Among other things we found that a majority in all industry...

Beautiful Clarity has supplied sensor technology to Karlstad University


Beautiful Clarity has supplied its sensor technology to Karlstad University for a project aimed at researching shopper interactions with products in store. As part of its research into the digital transformation of retail, Karlstad University is conducting research into the role of physical interaction and digital tools during the path to purchase. Beautiful Clarity has...